If you have never used a travel agent please give it some serious thought. Most …
If you have never used a travel agent please give it some serious thought. Most of the time we can not help you after you have booked a trip on your own. The rules for travel right now during COVID just continues to change. If you book on your own, you could be unprepared for some of the changing events, As a travel agent I must try to do my best to keep up with all the changing information and keep my clients informed. I don't know everything, but I am working hard for you, as your advocate. My job has completely changed in the past year. I have spent so many hours cancelling vacations, working to get my client their refunds, changing destinations & dates – and most of this has been done with no pay. Please don't book your own vacation – come see me or another travel agent. Your vacation is an investment; something you worked really hard for, don't risk losing your money because you were not well enough informed! Please remember the insurance!